? ??????????????Distant Love? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (2 Ratings)??35 Grabs Today. 3255 Total Grabs. ?????
?Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????My Heartbeat? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.9 (11 Ratings)??31 Grabs Today. 5489 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Assalamualaikum and Hello to all of you.. now it's my turn again to post a blog.

this week i had been given a tittle about communication. For me personally, before this i'm not really interested about this topic but as i'm thinking again, i wondered how can people interact without communication?? Hurm.. after a few days, i got that answer.. Communication are the most important thing in this entire live. Without communicate, non of us can survive, isn't it right?? We do need to communicate in each other in every single work that we did.

There are two type of communication that is VERBAL COMMUNICATION and NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION.

VERBAL COMMUNICATION can be define as oral or spoken communication. This type of communication can be express by speech, singging, saying and many much more.

NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION can be define as sending and receiving a wordless message.

this type of communication can be express through gesture and touch, by body language, facial expression and eye contact.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


yo-yo!!! what's up everybody.. Now my turn to post our blog and i will write about B- boys.. B boys or b girls is a person devoted to hip hop culture, more specificially b boyying/break dance.Crazy leg or rock steady crew explains the origin of the term. The word b boys originated from kool herc b-boys and b-girls (break boys,break girls). Although numerous b-boys have suggested that the term refers to the break on a record, Kool Herc says is not case b-boys that break,it didnt't come from breaks on the record but it come from this man he broke,he went to a point breaking point...

There are many different style to other person with same dancers. They will combine their style with their own knowledge to create bombastics style. This is because,to approach their identity,they must do different style and different dance to get attention from other people. On Break dance,all parts of the body give "power" to the dancers especially head.. ok that it about B boys and B girls dancers.. ok bye and assalamualaikum..