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Monday, October 12, 2009


As a Roman military and political leader who played a critical role in a transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire,Gaius Julius Caesar had been choosed by me as my example for a good ancient orator.

Reign October 49 BC –
15 March 44 BC (as dictator and/or consul)
Full name Gaius Julius Caesar
Born 13 July 100 BC or 102 BC
Birthplace Subura, Rome
Died 15 March 44 BC
Place of death Curia of Pompey, Rome
Consort Cornelia Cinna minor 84–68 BC
Pompeia 68–63 BC
Calpurnia Pisonis 59–44 BC
Offspring Julia Caesaris 85/84–54 BC
Caesarion 47–30 BC
Augustus 63 BC–AD 14 (grand-nephew, posthumously adopted as Caesar's son in 44 BC)
Royal House Julio-Claudian
Father Gaius Julius Caesar
Mother Aurelia Cotta

Julius caesar began extensive reforms of Roman sosiety and goverment after assuming control of goverment.
Havealy centralised the bureaucracy of the Republic and eventualy proclaimed "dictator in perpetuity".

Much of Caesar's life is known on his military campaigns, and another contemporary souces such like the letters and speeches on his political rival Cicero,the historical writings of Sallust, and the poetry of Catullus. Later historian such as
Appian, Suetonius, Plutarch, Cassius Dio and Strabo had recorded mare details of his life.


Friday, October 9, 2009

GrEaT Wall of China

Assalamualaikum and I hope all of you that read our blog happy always..

For ancient megacity for this week topic I choose about China that famous with the GREAT WALL..
In Chinese language of Great wall is Changcheng means long city/fortress. Long of the wall is 10,000..They built the wall between the 15th century BC and 16th century

The aims to built for protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire from Xiangno attack during various successive dynastines..

The most comprehensive archeological survey,using advanced technologies,has concluded that the entire Great wall,with all of its branches,stretches for 8851.8km.This is made up of 6259.6Km of section of actual wall,359.7Km of trenches and 2232.5 of natural defensive barners such as hill and rivers..

To built this wall the king mist transporting the large quantity of materials required for construction was difficult,so builder tried to use local source such as stone from mountain ranges,rammed earth for construction the plain..

The Characteristics of the wall is Ming Dynasty bricks wereheavily used in many areas of wall such tile,lime,and stone..

But until now,the mystery is many scientist try to see from space this wall,but visible??why I do not know and come join together to think about that...

we cannot see anything from space..

And see you later..bye and assalamualaikum

Reference:www.Great wall China.com

the ancient megAcity

This is for our assignment...
first I want to introduce about Angkor Wat.
The word of Angkor Wat is derived Sanskrit,an ancient Indian language of "Nagara"which means city -Angkor Wat literally means "City of Temple"..

For Bayon is well known and richly decorated Khmer temple at Angkor Wat.The Bayon's is most distinctive feature is the maltitude of serene and massive stone faces in the many towers which jut out from the upper terrace cluster around the central park..

Khmer enemies is KHIEU SAMPHON..

Reason for the fall of the Khmer empire because of Introduction of Theravada Buddhism in 13th century to the Khmer had turned out to hurt sublimely the basic foundation of the Angkor Empire.Therarada Buddhism taught the people to seek self-enlightment ,abandon worldly things and discourage superstition belief which directly or indirectly means all deities and all evils.The sovereign of the Angkorian monarch as a god-king or dewa-raja was basically challenged..

Angkor Wat Survive by collecting water from rivers for agriculture as well as draining and reserving water from the monsoon season. Storing the water helped as the area only had two seasons,dry and rainy. During the rainy season,water would be collected to prevent flooding and to provide irrigation for crops during the dry seasons..

Until now,have people do not know who the person which built Angkor Wat. Actually the person who built Angkor Wat is King Suryavarman II and dedicated to Vishnu(Hindu)..

Next,Chou Ta-kuan is a Chinese Official person who sent by his emperor on a reporting mission to the Kingdom of Khmer..

What contributed the rise of Angkor. First the adaption of Indian doctrines of Dewa-Raja or God king. Strategic location for example sailing upstream from the Mekong River..

The Khmer cultivate rice two or three times in a year,resulting in its prosperity..