? ??????????????Distant Love? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (2 Ratings)??35 Grabs Today. 3255 Total Grabs. ?????
?Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????My Heartbeat? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.9 (11 Ratings)??31 Grabs Today. 5489 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, October 12, 2009


As a Roman military and political leader who played a critical role in a transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire,Gaius Julius Caesar had been choosed by me as my example for a good ancient orator.

Reign October 49 BC –
15 March 44 BC (as dictator and/or consul)
Full name Gaius Julius Caesar
Born 13 July 100 BC or 102 BC
Birthplace Subura, Rome
Died 15 March 44 BC
Place of death Curia of Pompey, Rome
Consort Cornelia Cinna minor 84–68 BC
Pompeia 68–63 BC
Calpurnia Pisonis 59–44 BC
Offspring Julia Caesaris 85/84–54 BC
Caesarion 47–30 BC
Augustus 63 BC–AD 14 (grand-nephew, posthumously adopted as Caesar's son in 44 BC)
Royal House Julio-Claudian
Father Gaius Julius Caesar
Mother Aurelia Cotta

Julius caesar began extensive reforms of Roman sosiety and goverment after assuming control of goverment.
Havealy centralised the bureaucracy of the Republic and eventualy proclaimed "dictator in perpetuity".

Much of Caesar's life is known on his military campaigns, and another contemporary souces such like the letters and speeches on his political rival Cicero,the historical writings of Sallust, and the poetry of Catullus. Later historian such as
Appian, Suetonius, Plutarch, Cassius Dio and Strabo had recorded mare details of his life.


Friday, October 9, 2009

GrEaT Wall of China

Assalamualaikum and I hope all of you that read our blog happy always..

For ancient megacity for this week topic I choose about China that famous with the GREAT WALL..
In Chinese language of Great wall is Changcheng means long city/fortress. Long of the wall is 10,000..They built the wall between the 15th century BC and 16th century

The aims to built for protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire from Xiangno attack during various successive dynastines..

The most comprehensive archeological survey,using advanced technologies,has concluded that the entire Great wall,with all of its branches,stretches for 8851.8km.This is made up of 6259.6Km of section of actual wall,359.7Km of trenches and 2232.5 of natural defensive barners such as hill and rivers..

To built this wall the king mist transporting the large quantity of materials required for construction was difficult,so builder tried to use local source such as stone from mountain ranges,rammed earth for construction the plain..

The Characteristics of the wall is Ming Dynasty bricks wereheavily used in many areas of wall such tile,lime,and stone..

But until now,the mystery is many scientist try to see from space this wall,but visible??why I do not know and come join together to think about that...

we cannot see anything from space..

And see you later..bye and assalamualaikum

Reference:www.Great wall China.com

the ancient megAcity

This is for our assignment...
first I want to introduce about Angkor Wat.
The word of Angkor Wat is derived Sanskrit,an ancient Indian language of "Nagara"which means city -Angkor Wat literally means "City of Temple"..

For Bayon is well known and richly decorated Khmer temple at Angkor Wat.The Bayon's is most distinctive feature is the maltitude of serene and massive stone faces in the many towers which jut out from the upper terrace cluster around the central park..

Khmer enemies is KHIEU SAMPHON..

Reason for the fall of the Khmer empire because of Introduction of Theravada Buddhism in 13th century to the Khmer had turned out to hurt sublimely the basic foundation of the Angkor Empire.Therarada Buddhism taught the people to seek self-enlightment ,abandon worldly things and discourage superstition belief which directly or indirectly means all deities and all evils.The sovereign of the Angkorian monarch as a god-king or dewa-raja was basically challenged..

Angkor Wat Survive by collecting water from rivers for agriculture as well as draining and reserving water from the monsoon season. Storing the water helped as the area only had two seasons,dry and rainy. During the rainy season,water would be collected to prevent flooding and to provide irrigation for crops during the dry seasons..

Until now,have people do not know who the person which built Angkor Wat. Actually the person who built Angkor Wat is King Suryavarman II and dedicated to Vishnu(Hindu)..

Next,Chou Ta-kuan is a Chinese Official person who sent by his emperor on a reporting mission to the Kingdom of Khmer..

What contributed the rise of Angkor. First the adaption of Indian doctrines of Dewa-Raja or God king. Strategic location for example sailing upstream from the Mekong River..

The Khmer cultivate rice two or three times in a year,resulting in its prosperity..

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Assalamualaikum and hello to all...

After posting 2 blog before this which are customs and communication,

now is my turn again to post a new blog and this time may be my last

post for this semester i guess..

This week i had been told that i had to post a new topic which is my

favourite topic, ART.

Art is the process of arranging elements in a way that appeals

to the senses or emotions.It can be express in eitheir in eotion or even in physical movement..

Do you know that every single movement that we did is also been classify as an art.

The definition is hardly to be said..many professional had tried to find the definition of art,finally art seen as "a special faculty of the human mind to be classified with religion and science".

There are many type of art but the thing that i want to share with you all today are about painting.

Painting is a mode of expression and the form of nemorous.

Paintings can be naturalistic and representational photographic, abstract, be loaded with narrative content, symbolism, emotion or be political in nature.Color and tone are the essence of painting as pitch and rhythm are of music.

Nevertheless, the art painting is the most beautiful art in this world.
So, start from now try to love and to learn about it because every time
you try to learn it you will get to see the art of it..
So, enjoy...bye2..

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

the story of Ainu

The Ainu People

Assalamuaikum and "sui unuker an ro".Do you kow what that mean.It is from Ainu language mean see you or hello.Today i what talk about indigenous people from Japan call Ainu people.
Ainu people are ethnic group indigenenous to Hokakaido,nothern Honshu(Japan),the Kuril Islands.The word anyu means "human (as oppossed to kamuy,divide beings) in Hokkaido dialects of the Ainu language.Ainu culture appeared in Hokkaido inn the 12th century.The population are of around 25,000 and increase up about 200,00 people today.

The traditional Ainu dress are made up from the bark of the elm tree.They live what they call 'reed-thatched huts'.They religion is mainly animism,some are pratice Russian orthodot or Buddhism.Only several speak Ainu language,most of then are native speakers of Japanese or Russian.That all for today and "inyairaikere"(thank you).

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Assalamualaikum and hello to everybody.

For topic this week,our group must post about media and we choose COMPUTER
Computer is a machine that manipulated data according to set of instruction.
In the world many people use to do a work for example assignment,and office work.But what they must know is inside the program many uses can we do without handwritting

To ability store and execute lists of instruction called program makes computer extremely versatile distinguishing them from calculators.Therefore computer ranging from a mobile phone to a supercomputer are all able to same computational tasks,given time are storage capacity.

Inside each of computer have parts are thousands of small electrical circuit which can turned off or on by means of an electronic switch.

The picture shows a computer inside water. That means have certain type of computer can resistance to water.

When we have computer,we must care to make sure the computer do not have dusk because component in computer sensitif to it. so we must close the computer with computer plastic and when we have time we should vacuum at least three time per week.. so give more attention to your computer.

That all the tips i can give it to all off you.. so bye and assalamualaikum.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Assalamualaikum and koniciwa to all of you.This time me shafiq AKA rain to post a blog about politics.First do you what mean of politics?.According to Longman's dictionary, politics is a noun and it mean ideal and activities relating to gaining and using power in a country.So i choose one of politics icon in the world,SADDAM HUSSEIN.I know for some people he is cruel man,a dictator but for me he is something special the x- factor
Saddam Hussein also kown as 'Beast of baghdad.he full name is Saddam Hussien Abd Al-Majid Al-Tikriti(28 april 1937-30 december 2006) was the president of Iraq from 16 july 1979 until 9 april 2003.A leading member of the revolutionary Ba'ath party.Born in town of Al-awja.The mean of his name is "one who confronts".He is believed to have four wives and has has five children.
He lead the nationalization of the oil industry in 1972.He launcned wars againts Iran(Iran-Iraq war,1980-90)and Kuwait (Persian gulf war 1990-91) and also invasion in 2003(Iraq war).He was captured by U.S forces.In december 2006,Saddam was executed.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Assalamualaikum and Hello to all of you.. now it's my turn again to post a blog.

this week i had been given a tittle about communication. For me personally, before this i'm not really interested about this topic but as i'm thinking again, i wondered how can people interact without communication?? Hurm.. after a few days, i got that answer.. Communication are the most important thing in this entire live. Without communicate, non of us can survive, isn't it right?? We do need to communicate in each other in every single work that we did.

There are two type of communication that is VERBAL COMMUNICATION and NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION.

VERBAL COMMUNICATION can be define as oral or spoken communication. This type of communication can be express by speech, singging, saying and many much more.

NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION can be define as sending and receiving a wordless message.

this type of communication can be express through gesture and touch, by body language, facial expression and eye contact.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


yo-yo!!! what's up everybody.. Now my turn to post our blog and i will write about B- boys.. B boys or b girls is a person devoted to hip hop culture, more specificially b boyying/break dance.Crazy leg or rock steady crew explains the origin of the term. The word b boys originated from kool herc b-boys and b-girls (break boys,break girls). Although numerous b-boys have suggested that the term refers to the break on a record, Kool Herc says is not case b-boys that break,it didnt't come from breaks on the record but it come from this man he broke,he went to a point breaking point...

There are many different style to other person with same dancers. They will combine their style with their own knowledge to create bombastics style. This is because,to approach their identity,they must do different style and different dance to get attention from other people. On Break dance,all parts of the body give "power" to the dancers especially head.. ok that it about B boys and B girls dancers.. ok bye and assalamualaikum..

Thursday, July 30, 2009


koniciwa!!! hai..this time i will post the blog about the smoking statistics in Malaysia.The history of smoking dates back to as early as 5000 BC in shamanistic ritual.Smoking is a practice where a substance,most commonly tobacco,is burned and the smoke tasted or inhaled.This is primarily practised as a route of administration for recteational drug use,as combustion releases the active substances in drugs such as nicotine and make them available for absoption through the lungs.

Primary of tobacco,is an activity that practised by some 1.1 billon people(so many).The factors of smoking is influence of peer smoking.Many smokers begin in social setting and the offering and also sharing of cigratte.Others than that,many smoker specially kids,influece by their parent.Their think daddy look so 'cool' when smoking(yeah right!).

Tobacco also related some of the BIGGEST KILLER in the world today and are cited as one of one the biggest cause of premature death in industrialized countries, such as U.S,Britian,China and so on.....Among the diseases and aflictions that can be caused by smoking vascular stenosis,lung cancer,heart attack and chronic obtructive pulmonary disease.So for those smoker,better stop before it too late.

In the nutshell,the only way to get any leverage with teenagers is to return fire with fire on the various influences that make smoking seem attactive.In other words,find new ways to make smoking looks ridiculous.....

This graph shows the prevalance by age group smoking statistics in 2007. This graph increase gradually from group 15-24 years until group 55-64 years old people. The highest rank are group 55-64 years old people, and the lowest rank are 15-24 years old people.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Assalamualaikum and hello to all of you.... now is my turn to post my entry into this 'black beautiful' blog 'THREE2GETHER2'.. The title that me and my group had decided to post is TRADITIONAL KOREAN WEDDING.. you guys must be wondering how was it look alike right?? Here let me take you guys to korean wedding ceremony... First we look at the wedding attire..the bride's attire includes a (jeogori,short jacket with long sleeves)with 2 long ribbons which are tied to form the otgoreum.A chima,a full length ,high waisted wrap around skirt is worn(chima jeogori @hanbok). Boat shaped shoes made of silk,are worn with white cotton socks. The bride's attire might include a white sash with significant symbol or flower. A headpiece or crown may also be worn. The norigae is a hanbok decoration which has been worn by all classes of Korean women for centuries. It is tied to the skirt or a ribbon on the jacket. The knot on the top is called the Maedeup. What a beautiful dress isn't it?? Now lets we move on to the groom's attire.
the groom attire include a jacket(jeogori) and trousers and an overcoat a worn. The trouser are tied with straps at the ankles. A vest also be worn over the shirt together with a black hat that also can be worn. This 'uniform'(i mean just for the groom) are also be known as gwanbok.
Now lets we move on to the main topic.. In ancient time, wedding were held in the bride's yard or house. The most unique part in this TRADITIONAL KOREAN WEDDING are the groom will traveled by a horse to the bride's house and after the wedding ceremony he will take his wife in a palanquin(cart) to his parents' house to live. At the ceremony, the ordinary people were permitted to wear the luxurious clothes. Hand lanterns(something like pelita or tanglung) are used for lightning the way from the groom's home to the bride's house on the night before the wedding. Traditionally, the groom's family would carry a wedding chest filled with gifts(something like hantaran in malay wedding) for the bride's family. DUCKS!!! Talk about ducks, wedding ducks are a symbol for a long and happy marriage. DUCKS POWER!! hehe.. Cranes... it are a symbol of long life and may be represented on the woman's sash.. That's all about TRADITIONAL KOREAN WEDDING, i hope my future wedding will gonna be like that... Sweet right??? okey.. see you guys in my next blog.. bye2.. Assalamualaikum..


Take a look this video.....this is a part of traditional wedding ceremony where the groom traveled by horse to the bride's house and after the wedding ceremony took his wife in a palanquin (cart) to his parents' house to live.


three2gether2... you guys must be wondering what's are the symbolize of our group name... actually, there's 2 meaning of it... the first is, the 'three' is us, farahhana, ain, and me(shafiq)... and the 2gether2 is farahhana and ain whom are roommate..(don't jealous2 yea..) now lets take a look at our second meaning of our group name... three2gether2 may be sound like we are always together but actually it is not like what you guys think.. we are not so 2gether2.. but we are always work 2gether2... we share problems 2gether2 but not a 'private' one!! hehehe... you guys know what i'm talking about right?? hehe.. last but not least.. hoping you guys enjoy to read and always visit our blog yea... okey.. see yea in my next post.. bye and assalamualaikum...